Generative zoology with neural networks
Some personal thoughts on our national tragedy
mitmproxy v1.0.0: Christmas Edition
mitmproxy v0.18
modd: a flexible tool for responding to filesystem change
mitmproxy v0.15
Trawling Github for cookies, bookmarks and browsing history
devd v0.3
mitmproxy: release v0.14
devd v0.2 (and some thoughts on small tools)
devd: a web daemon for developers
mitmproxy: release v0.13
mitmproxy v0.12.1
mitmproxy: release v0.12 and some project news - a browser-based tool for visualising binary data
mitmproxy 0.11.2
mitmproxy and pathod 0.11
mitmproxy now supports #gotofail
Exploiting CVE-2014-1266 with mitmproxy
mitmproxy and pathod 0.10
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Golang
mitmproxy and pathod 0.9.2
mitmproxy 0.9.1
Skout: a devastating privacy vulnerability
How mitmproxy works
pathod 0.9
mitmproxy 0.9
Google, destroyer of ecosystems
Things I found on GitHub: aspell custom dictionary entries
Things I found on GitHub: pipe chains
Things I found on GitHub: shell history
The trouble with social news
Go: a nice language with an annoying personality
Released: pathod 0.3
pathoc: break all the Python webservers!
Limits of data visualization with space filling curves
Findng the UDID leak: a guessing game
The UDID leak is a privacy catastrophe
pathod 0.2: the daemon gets an evil twin
Introducing pathod: a pathological HTTP server
mitmproxy 0.8
mitmproxy 0.7
OpenBSD in decline?
Visualizing entropy in binary files
A personal link mill
Visualizing binaries with space-filling curves - Realtime privacy snapshots of the social web
Otago Polytechnic Talk
Neighborhoods of trust on the web
Why the Apple UDID had to die
mitmproxy 0.6
mitmproxy 0.5
UDID media roundup
How UDIDs are used: a survey
De-anonymizing Apple UDIDs with OpenFeint
mitmproxy: A 30-second client playback example
mitmproxy: Breaking Apple's Game Center with replay
mitmproxy 0.4 has been released
Social news eats a blog post
A journey through the bowels of proggit
Cyclesort - a curious little sorting algorithm
What Stuxnet means
Tau: is it worth switching?
Sea lions and lifestyle change
3 Rules of thumb for Bloom Filters
Love and war on Sandfly Beach
Taiaroa Head
Apple, China and the war of ideas
Sortvis updates
mitmproxy 0.2
How to stop a story from appearing on Reddit
Host-proof applications: doing it wrong
Introducing mitmproxy: an interactive man-in-the-middle proxy
Timsort - a study in grayscale
Hilbert Curve + Sorting Algorithms + Procrastination = ?
An email to the authors of JSCrypto
Generating colour maps with space-filling curves
Portrait of the Hilbert curve
The impact of language choice on github projects
Overflowing World of Warcraft's gold counter
Elinor Ostrom, the commons problem and Open Source
Why I subscribe to the Economist
Reading Code: In praise of superficial beauty
Non-programming books for Programmers: The Superorganism, Hölldobler & Wilson
A Farewell to ORMs
Leopard Seal at Sandfly Bay
Visualising IP Geolocation
Seashells from Murdering Beach
Sorting Algorithm Visualisation Tidbits
Visualising Sorting Algorithms: Python's timsort
Buller's Albatross
How to become a cyber bandit
setuptools sucks
Visualising Sorting Algorithms